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Didier Marlier

Didier Marlier
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Didier Marlier

Didier Marlier
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Expert Insights : Leadership and Collaboration

Amidst radical re-inventions in communications, healthcare, housing, military, transportation and many other technologies, one thing has remained unchallenged. It is the way we consider leadership, since the early stages of mankind.

Leading in the Age of Disruption

Let me start with a startling statistic: 75 percent of the S&P 500 companies from 2012 will be entirely replaced by 2027. And here’s another one: the average company lifespan has dropped from 61 to 18 years over the past 60 years, and continues to...

How Disruption is Changing the Face of Leadership

Today’s economy, one that is fueled by major shifts in technology and financial crisis, is causing organizations to redefine their leadership approach in order to stay competitive. There isn’t a company that doesn’t talk of “getting digital” &...

Didier Marlier

Didier Marlier
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Recent Posts

Expert Insights : Leadership and Collaboration

Amidst radical re-inventions in communications, healthcare, housing, military, transportation and many other technologies, one thing has remained unchallenged. It is the way we consider leadership, since the early stages of mankind.

Leading in the Age of Disruption

Let me start with a startling statistic: 75 percent of the S&P 500 companies from 2012 will be entirely replaced by 2027. And here’s another one: the average company lifespan has dropped from 61 to 18 years over the past 60 years, and continues to...

How Disruption is Changing the Face of Leadership

Today’s economy, one that is fueled by major shifts in technology and financial crisis, is causing organizations to redefine their leadership approach in order to stay competitive. There isn’t a company that doesn’t talk of “getting digital” &...