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Gyzel Pialat

Gyzel Pialat

Recent Posts

Our Experiential Learning Story

Today we would like to share the story of our evolution from StratX to StratX ExL. 

Future-Proofing Your Leaders for 2030 & Beyond

Futurist and author Jack Uldrich defines a future-proof leader as “someone who takes the time to become aware of how fast the world is changing, aware of various trends that might affect his or her business.” There is grave danger that leaders...

What is Innovation?

While innovation requires investment in time and money, it is consequential to business success. Understanding the varying types, along with how organizations use them, will better equip businesses with compelling strategies and solutions to respond...

CLO Tips: 3 Ways to Create Engaging Learning Programs

Based on our experience with our clients, we’ve found that one of the biggest struggles Chief Learning Officers face is implementing a learning & development initiative that engages participants.

6 Trends for Leading in Biotech & Pharma Organizations

We share the six critical areas of need in learning and management development as identified from recent interviews, surveys and interactions with customers, thought-leaders and industry experts in the biotech and pharma industry.

Pharma Marketing: 4 Quick Tips for Digital Engagement

Simple tips for improving digital customer engagement in pharma marketing. 

Gyzel Pialat

Gyzel Pialat

Recent Posts

5 Examples of Successful Agile Companies

Before we explore some of the most successful Agile companies, we need to explain what we mean by agile and make it clear that we are not just using it as a synonym for robust. Rather than just being robust, we believe an agile company is one that...

4 Biotech Success Stories to Inspire Your Team

The Biotech world is booming. Scientists around the world are devoted to researching biological processes in order to develop more powerful and useful technology and pharmaceuticals. However, success is not guaranteed, there are winners and losers...

People’s Stories Around the Globe on Learning from Home

With the outbreak of COVID-19, we are living in unprecedented times. Overnight, many of us had to adapt, improvise, and overcome, as we were nationally encouraged to stay in our homes via our TV sets. This created an immediate shift. Those...

Workplace Learning: How L&D Teams Can Better Handle the Current Crisis

Many of today’s situation make “business as usual” not an option. No playbook has tackled the impact of a virus outbreak on workplace learning in 2020. While companies put a hold on business travels, must learning and development teams restrict...

How Digital Changes the Face of Pharmaceutical Product Launches

The pharmaceutical industry is an interesting and innovative world, in which new and evolving challenges must compete with windows of opportunity, funding, and market complexities. When it comes to launching new products, there are costs, timelines,...

Experiential Learning in Biopharma

The biopharmaceutical industry is at a critical turning point. Competition is becoming fiercer, sales growth is slower and profitability is declining in many developed markets. Industry leaders and teams need to be ready to face these challenges if...

Experiential Learning & The Modern Learner

Markets are changing. Learning is evolving. Technologies have come and gone. Ideas have been born and laid to rest, but some concepts remain and continue to play a fundamental role in the overall scope of learning. Our rebrand as StratX ExL is...

What is a Collaborative Leadership Style & How to Apply it

It might be all coming to a dramatic end for top-down hierarchies in the workplace. Management, take a hike, the future has Collaborative Leadership written all over it.

Using Creative Leadership Skills to Lead Teams Effectively

Leading a team is no mean feat. Taking a group of individuals, with their own unique skill sets, ability levels, ideas, and motivations, and pulling them all together to effectively manage and deliver a project is always going to be quite a...

Gyzel Pialat

Gyzel Pialat

Recent Posts

5 Examples of Successful Agile Companies

Before we explore some of the most successful Agile companies, we need to explain what we mean by agile and make it clear that we are not just using it as a synonym for robust. Rather than just being robust, we believe an agile company is one that...

4 Biotech Success Stories to Inspire Your Team

The Biotech world is booming. Scientists around the world are devoted to researching biological processes in order to develop more powerful and useful technology and pharmaceuticals. However, success is not guaranteed, there are winners and losers...

People’s Stories Around the Globe on Learning from Home

With the outbreak of COVID-19, we are living in unprecedented times. Overnight, many of us had to adapt, improvise, and overcome, as we were nationally encouraged to stay in our homes via our TV sets. This created an immediate shift. Those...

Workplace Learning: How L&D Teams Can Better Handle the Current Crisis

Many of today’s situation make “business as usual” not an option. No playbook has tackled the impact of a virus outbreak on workplace learning in 2020. While companies put a hold on business travels, must learning and development teams restrict...

How Digital Changes the Face of Pharmaceutical Product Launches

The pharmaceutical industry is an interesting and innovative world, in which new and evolving challenges must compete with windows of opportunity, funding, and market complexities. When it comes to launching new products, there are costs, timelines,...

Experiential Learning in Biopharma

The biopharmaceutical industry is at a critical turning point. Competition is becoming fiercer, sales growth is slower and profitability is declining in many developed markets. Industry leaders and teams need to be ready to face these challenges if...

Experiential Learning & The Modern Learner

Markets are changing. Learning is evolving. Technologies have come and gone. Ideas have been born and laid to rest, but some concepts remain and continue to play a fundamental role in the overall scope of learning. Our rebrand as StratX ExL is...

Our Experiential Learning Story

Today we would like to share the story of our evolution from StratX to StratX ExL. 

What is a Collaborative Leadership Style & How to Apply it

It might be all coming to a dramatic end for top-down hierarchies in the workplace. Management, take a hike, the future has Collaborative Leadership written all over it.

Using Creative Leadership Skills to Lead Teams Effectively

Leading a team is no mean feat. Taking a group of individuals, with their own unique skill sets, ability levels, ideas, and motivations, and pulling them all together to effectively manage and deliver a project is always going to be quite a...

Future-Proofing Your Leaders for 2030 & Beyond

Futurist and author Jack Uldrich defines a future-proof leader as “someone who takes the time to become aware of how fast the world is changing, aware of various trends that might affect his or her business.” There is grave danger that leaders...

What is Innovation?

While innovation requires investment in time and money, it is consequential to business success. Understanding the varying types, along with how organizations use them, will better equip businesses with compelling strategies and solutions to respond...

CLO Tips: 3 Ways to Create Engaging Learning Programs

Based on our experience with our clients, we’ve found that one of the biggest struggles Chief Learning Officers face is implementing a learning & development initiative that engages participants.

6 Trends for Leading in Biotech & Pharma Organizations

We share the six critical areas of need in learning and management development as identified from recent interviews, surveys and interactions with customers, thought-leaders and industry experts in the biotech and pharma industry.

Pharma Marketing: 4 Quick Tips for Digital Engagement

Simple tips for improving digital customer engagement in pharma marketing.